一起來了解國際時尚編輯Suzy Menkes蘇西曼奇斯對於義大利總理表達對義大利時尚支持的相關報導吧 !


Matteo Renzi and I were last in Florence together when he awarded me the gold florin of Florence.

上次與義大利總理馬泰奧倫奇Matteo Renzi在佛羅倫斯見面時,他贈送我一面佛羅倫斯佛倫林金幣florin of Florence。


PIC 1: CAPTION:  Suzy Menkes receiving her  “Fiorino d’Oro” from the then Mayor and now current Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.  Florence, January 2013

蘇西曼奇斯從當時佛羅倫斯市長、現在為義大利總理倫奇Matteo Renzi手中接下「佛羅倫斯金幣Fiorino d’Oro」,2013年一月

The first time I met Matteo Renzi, he was mayor of Florence and giving me an award for which I am particularly proud.

我第一次認識馬泰奧倫奇Matteo Renzi時,他是佛羅倫斯的市長,他當時贈送我一個至今仍讓我感到自豪的獎項。

The Fiorino d’Oro is a tiny gold coin bestowed for a contribution to culture and arts in the city. Although I cannot claim to be, as a fashion writer, a major contributor to the world of the arts, it was a memorable and emotional moment in Florence’s Palazzo Vecchio.

佛羅倫斯金幣Fiorino d’Oro是一面小小的金幣,象徵對這個都市的文化與藝術的貢獻。雖然身為時尚文字工作者的我,不敢說自己對藝術的世界有多大的貢獻,但是在佛羅倫斯老皇宮Palazzo Vecchio.獲得這面金幣的那一刻,對我來說仍是很有意義、令人難忘的時刻。


Renzi the  Italian Prime Minister  speaking at the opening ceremony of Pitti Immagine Uomo. CREDIT  Studio Nonamephoto

義大利總理倫奇Renzi 在Pitti Immagine Uomo男裝展開幕儀式致詞。影像提供:Studio Nonamephoto

I found myself back in that historic building with Matteo Renzi as Prime Minister this week. But this time we were in the Sala dei Cinquecento with its battle scene paintings by Giorgio Vasari. It was a full house, including the new mayor, Dario Nardella and other financial and local dignitaries celebrating fashion in Florence.

這星期,我與總理倫奇Matteo Renzi在這老舊的建築物再度見面。這一次,我們來到五百廳Sala dei Cinquecento,牆面上有一幅瓦薩里Giorgio Vasari描繪戰爭的畫作。房間裡坐滿了人,包括新市長達瑞歐‧納德拉Dario Nardella與其他財經政要、當地重量級人物,群聚一堂,慶祝佛羅倫斯的時尚盛事。


The new mayor of Florence Dario Nardella speaks at the opening. CREDIT  Studio Nonamephoto

佛羅倫斯新上任市長納德拉Dario Nardella在開幕儀式致詞。影像提供:Studio Nonamephoto

Being Prime Minister did not seem to have changed Matteo Renzi: he was still passionate, enthusiastic and vocal, talking without notes about Italy’s fashion industry. He seemed deeply engaged in an area often seen in the political world as frivolous.


Saying that Italy is the only country in Europe that haspreserved its manufacturing skills, the Prime Minister did more than pay lip service to the current celebration in Florence of 60 years of Italian fashion. He talked about the renewal of the entire industry.



The historic Sala dei Cinquecento in Florence’s Palazzo Vecchio. CREDIT  Studio Nonamephoto

佛羅倫斯老皇宮Palazzo Vecchio內充滿歷史意義的五百廳Sala dei Cinquecento

‘’The most beautiful pages are yet to be written,’’ he said. ‘’Beyond our borders, there is an enormous appetite for Italy and the Italian way of life, which we often underestimate. Fashion ought to be a central part of our economy.’’


A solid investment for Pitti Imagine of 1.6 million euros from the government is a positive start. And according to the various speakers, a troubled period for Italian fashion is now over, with increases in most sectors. That includes the textile area, challenged by Chinese competitors, but now back in profit.

政府承諾投資160萬歐元給Pitti Imagine,是一個好的開始。而許多異見領袖也認為,目前義大利時尚產業的低迷期已經結束,大多數的營業額已經開始改善。這包括飽受中國競爭對手衝擊的紡織產業,也已經開始獲利。

(文章出處:Vogue Taiwan)

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